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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Automated Forex Trading

By Hass 67

Many people are turning towards forex trading after losing their money in the recent stock market crash. In fact, forex trading is the best work from home opportunity. Forex trading can be done anywhere from the world if you have a computer and an internet connection. Forex trading is the answer to the today's global recession.

Forex market is quite different from the stock market. The stock market is less liquid as compared to the forex market. Stocks were traditionally seen as long term investments, where people buy stocks or a group of stocks in mutual funds and wait for them to appreciate and build in their retirement accounts.

Forex markets are open 24 hours as compared to stock markets that have fixed trading hours. There is no way to buy or sell a certain stock that is only traded on one stock exchange when that exchange is closed. You can trade forex online from anywhere in the world 24 hours.

In contrast to the stock exchange, the forex is primarily a short term market. Most traders enter and exit a trade within a 24 hour period " sometimes within a few minutes.

Forex trading is far easier than stock trading. In stock trading, you may have to study thousands of stocks before making your picking. As compared to that in forex trading, you are mostly dealing with 5 or 6 currency pairs.

Another major advantage of forex trading over stock trading is the lower trading cost. In forex trading, brokers don't charge any commission. They make their profit by the difference between the bid ask spread. In stock trading, the brokers charge a fixed percentage as commission per trade.

Then, dont forget the Stock Market Crash of 2008. People have lost 50-to-75% of their portfolios and retirement accounts, even with so called blue chip stocks - those having proven value over many years and many bought as the backbone of an investment portfolio.

Stock markets are going to take a few more years to recover. There is always either a bull market or a bear market prevailing in stocks. In forex, there is always a bull market. Since forex trading is done in currency pairs, if one currency goes down, the other currency goes up.

Over the years, forex markets have grown in size. Daily $3+ trillion are being traded in currencies all over the world. If you combine, all the stock exchanges in the world, they still can't reach 40% of this figure. Currency markets have become so huge that they are beyond the capacity of any single agency or agent to control.

Now, most of the people are wondering how they can recoup their losses in the stock market crash and build their retirement accounts again

Learning forex trading is the answer. Many people want to learn forex trading but are afraid. If you can only spare one hour per day, you can learn forex trading in a month. Forex trading as a hobby has the potential of making you a fortune.

You can read my blog where I give many forex trading methods. Most of these methods are risk free. You can try them on your demo account before actually implementing them on your live account. I want you to try one method that works on autopilot and you can try it risk free for 60 days. - 23208

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