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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What is a Forex Pip?

By Bart Icles

Forex is a good way of supplementing your current income, while still maintaining your present work. So it is really important that you familiarize yourself with its terminologies to make you better understand the many events and happenings in the market. One of the most important things you will come across is the term Forex pips.

Now you may ask, what are Forex pips? A PIP is the acronym for the term Percentage In Point. To put it in simple terms, a pip is the least or smallest price increment in Forex Trading. Most currency pairs are priced to its 4th decimal place - with the exception of the Japanese Yen with a pip equal to its 2nd decimal point, or .01 yen. The pip equivalent of a $ 1 is 0.0001 ( or 1/100th of a cent). A pip is how Forex currency traders measure gains or losses.

A major currency pair between a EUR/USD might be bid at 1.1600 and offered at 1.1605, the spread difference or your profit would be 5 pips. The currency market trades in pips to simplify matters, such as when major Forex traders like central banks that trade in the hundreds of millions of dollars, the value for each 0.0001 would be worth thousands of dollars.

To be successful in Forex trading, you need to maximize your pips as much as possible with having more pip gains than pip losses. Although, its not possible to win all the time, its advisable to have better spreads in your long term trading. So its best to buy currency when it is at its lowest value, and then sell it once determining factors point it at its peak or highest value. But with the numerous and complicated factors affecting the rise and fall of currency values, its really easier said than done.

To keep maximizing pips to your advantage while also keeping risks in check, you might consider turning to Automatic Forex Robots to do the trading for you. These software's are always current and up to date with the day to day operation of the Forex market, and it operates in a 24/7 cycle. This gives you the luxury and freedom to do other important business or recreational activities you desire to do. The software can monitor, keep track, and react to market changes with a predetermined set of indicators, minus the emotional attachments associated with a person.

Its always a lot easier to maximize Forex pips, lessen losses, and manage risks with an automatic Forex software or robot. It's not only a profitable way of trading in the market, but also a lot simpler and easier. - 23208

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