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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How to Win With Forex Training

By Jacob Tremblay

The key to succeeding with Forex, just like in anything else in life, is to get the proper training. Common wisdom is that who you know is more important then what you know, but in some cases that's just not true. Does it matter who you know when you're trying to drive your car, or to paint a picture? No, of course not. Trading is a skill like anything else. To get good at it, all you need is the time, the materials... and of course the proper training.

So, how do you find the training you need? The answer is, that there is no one good answer. There are literally millions of sources of information, from books, to articles, to video courses and seminars... different people learn in different ways, and it's up to you to find out what works best. My advice, is to practice something I like to call "information overload".

Information Overload is the process of completely immersing yourself in the data. Studying it constantly, and making it so much a part of your life that when it comes time to use your knowledge, you almost instinctively know what to do. I won't lie to you, this a hard path - but the rewards are worth it. If you just want quick, simple success, you can get a for robot, which will do most of the work for you. And yes, they do work, but for myself I prefer to be the master of my craft - not just someone using a tool.

The first thing you need to do is to find an initial information overload source. So, head out to the public library, and ask them for the Forex training books. Once you've found them, pick one randomly. And I mean completely randomly - just close your eyes and grab one, any one. Doesn't matter.

Great! You've picked out a book, and now you just have to read it. This trick here, is to read it fast - keep it with you all the time, and every spare moment (on your break, in a line, during commercials on tv...) you read it. Even just a little bit, even just a paragraph or two, it all counts. And, most importantly, read it just before you fall asleep - several pages, at least. This is essential.

The reason for this is that whatever you are thinking about as you fall asleep, is what your unconscious mind thinks is important to you. The purpose of all this reading is not to try and learn forex, just to get your brain accustomed to constantly having Forex-like information going through it. So keep reading, and don't worry if there's something you don't get - just ignore it and keep going, until you finish the book.

When you finish that book, you can just go back and pick a new one and do it again. Keep going, until you've got enough info in there. You'll find that, once you've passed enough information through your brain, it starts getting overloaded, and things start coming back out. You'll find your mind wanders back to the things you've read, and information you weren't consciously aware of becomes available - maybe you see a chart, and suddenly realize you know what it all means. Don't worry, this is completely normal - you're doing great.

The next part of the information overload process is active learning. Go back to your library, and take another look at the books they have there. You'll probably be surprised at how much you can already understand of them, and that's without doing any real study - just the total immersion. Allow your subconscious instinct to guide your choice, and pick out a book for you to learn from.

By now your brain is full of information about Forex, and all you're doing is awakening it. So go through the book, studying it carefully. This time, when you see something you don't understand, investigate it - find another book, look online, whatever. As you study, everything you already know subconsciously will fall into place, allowing you to go through the book with an ease you've probably never know before.

So you now have all the tools you need to become a master Forex trader. All that's lacking is practice - for that, I suggest you pick up a Forex software package. You need to get experience somehow, and most software packages will give you the tools you need to really come to grips with the material. In the end of course, the human mind is an amazing thing - and you have everything you need right there.

Best of luck to you! - 23208

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