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Friday, October 16, 2009

What You Need to Know About Forex Trading!

By Ash Naeck

The word trading is as old as mankind himself and is still present in nowadays world. Although it comes in different forms and processes, trading carries the same principle that it did thousands of years ago, which is the exchange of a particular good for another.

The origins of trading come from a process named bartering. The barter process is simply an exchange of goods. In the early times, one would trade an apple, for argument sake, to get a potato in return.

Nowadays with advancement in technology, trading is done by the use of a piece of paper commonly referred to as money. The process is still the same and the exchange of goods is still processed in the same way with only difference the use of money as the prime medium.

In the era we live today, trading is far more than an exchange of goods and services. Trading has taken new lengths and goes beyond the mere exchange of goods. This century has witnessed the rise of the currency traders. They are the ones, who trade the currencies of other countries through the process of buying and selling.

This fascinating market, where buying or selling the currency of a country against another, is called forex. With a staggering US$3.5 Trillion traded per day, this makes the forex market the biggest existing financial market to date. No other market compares to the currency market and its volatility.

Hundreds of thousands even millions of dollars are made every-day by major financial institutions dealing in the foreign exchange market. They are referred to as the movers and shakers of the currency market. Those corporations deal in millions of dollars at any given time thus causing a stir in the market. If you are not already slightly familiar with the currency quotes, you should know that the value of a currency pair goes through drastic changes every single day. These fluctuations in price allow for major profit and also may result in losses.

The forex market tends to be more attractive than most of the existing markets on the planet. The reason being is because the forex market is a 24-hour open market. A normal trading day starts in Sydney, then Tokyo, Europe, London and ends up in New York City which is the last market to close for the day.

The major pairs which are the EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF and USD/JPY are the most traded pair on the market. Next are the YEN pairs namely GBP/JPY and EUR/JPY, the commodity pairs AUD/USD, NZD/USD and USD/CAD which are believed to be the second most traded pairs on the currency market.

My first encounter with forex goes back to when I was in university. I knew nothing about the forex market and the way it operated. I had a mental blockage at a certain point to how the process of buying and selling a currency could actually work. Well after some research, it all made perfect sense. The world of today is not limited to buying/selling goods and services only but had open its doors to the ability to trade in currencies of other countries too.

Currency trading which is the buying or selling of a country's currency against the currency of another country is effectuated by Forex traders. They are basically speculators who take advantage of fluctuations in currency quotes to make money. If they believe a currency will appreciate they are more than likely to buy this particular currency in the hope that they will make some profit when comes the time to sell. Traders with a good knowledge of the market make a great living trading forex.

Getting involved in the forex market nowadays has never been easier. Though you will need some understanding of the market, it is still easy to get your feet wet and experience firsthand, how the dealing process works.

Here is what you will need before starting:

- A decent computer

- Internet facility

- Some money as start-up capital

- A reliable broker

Looks quite easy in hind-sight, right?

Education is something that you will need to consider and I strongly recommend that you do educate yourself before jumping in this amazing forex adventure. With 5 years of trading under my belt I still learn new things every single day. Be humble, disciplined and teachable, do not try to make millions in a matter of days. Have a plan and a solid goal setting as this will pave your way to success. - 23208

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