Watch Your Stock Prices Rise With Viral Publicity Marketing
Why do we rent movies or strap into rattling roller-coasters rides or watch, with teary eyes, romantic films or comedies? Why do people seek out the temporary release of alcohol or pharmaceutical and illegal barbiturates? People long for the long lost and ancient connection with their emotions.
People are desperate to 'feel' something, anything and as publicists it's part of our employ to tangle with the emotions to trigger a response. We are trying to trigger a natural reaction from a willing candidate. Man has proven over and over again that they will buy anything so long as it hits on the emotional pressure points.
We make up our minds to purchase cars, homes and clothing all based on emotion. How does the ad or article make one feel when the emotions become entwined with this content? What elements are missing in the target consumer psyche and how can we fill that void while simultaneously branding our client's product and calling the candidate to action?
We play on the sadness, hopes, fears and aspirations for one reason, to slowly draw the target market in on behalf of our client so that when they feel sad, hopeless, desperate or in need, this 'brand' comes to mind as the automatic answer to all of these issues.
Publicity marketers must have a solid comprehension of the target market's emotional element, what makes them happy, sad, stressed etc in order to reap the full rewards of a campaign.
The reader must pay close attention to the colors, voiceover tone, background music, video clip and image choice, vocabulary and on screen text with webmercials and take into consideration similar aspects when writing articles or creating ads.
These tactics lower the guard of the target which allows a message to be imbedded in their subconcious mind. This is done with music, film, political promotions and yes, even ads.
At the day's end, results are what keep the clients coming back and if the advertising ingredients can cradle a sort of post hypnotic cue that calls a client to action, then the needs of the client are being met with branding and sale conversion and the emotional needs of the customer are being taken care of as well. This is one of the few times in life that there is truly a win/win relationship. - 23208
People are desperate to 'feel' something, anything and as publicists it's part of our employ to tangle with the emotions to trigger a response. We are trying to trigger a natural reaction from a willing candidate. Man has proven over and over again that they will buy anything so long as it hits on the emotional pressure points.
We make up our minds to purchase cars, homes and clothing all based on emotion. How does the ad or article make one feel when the emotions become entwined with this content? What elements are missing in the target consumer psyche and how can we fill that void while simultaneously branding our client's product and calling the candidate to action?
We play on the sadness, hopes, fears and aspirations for one reason, to slowly draw the target market in on behalf of our client so that when they feel sad, hopeless, desperate or in need, this 'brand' comes to mind as the automatic answer to all of these issues.
Publicity marketers must have a solid comprehension of the target market's emotional element, what makes them happy, sad, stressed etc in order to reap the full rewards of a campaign.
The reader must pay close attention to the colors, voiceover tone, background music, video clip and image choice, vocabulary and on screen text with webmercials and take into consideration similar aspects when writing articles or creating ads.
These tactics lower the guard of the target which allows a message to be imbedded in their subconcious mind. This is done with music, film, political promotions and yes, even ads.
At the day's end, results are what keep the clients coming back and if the advertising ingredients can cradle a sort of post hypnotic cue that calls a client to action, then the needs of the client are being met with branding and sale conversion and the emotional needs of the customer are being taken care of as well. This is one of the few times in life that there is truly a win/win relationship. - 23208
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