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Friday, November 27, 2009

Beginning Investors and The Stock Market

By Patty Berker

It is important to understand that the stock market is a place where you can lose all your investments. Yes, that is unlikely, but you should never invest money in stocks that you cant afford to lose. This last couple of years has seen many people lose their valuable retirement savings and they are now in a very difficult position.

There is no book that you can go out and buy that will tell you how to put your money in stocks with 100% safety and this should be noted by anyone interested in entering the stock market game. Stocks are risky and for that risk you have the opportunity of higher gain than something safer such as bank CDs.

It seems that in the last decade or so, the stock market has become much more volatile. It is routine to see swings up and down in the market of 200, 300, and even 400 points were in past years that was unheard of. Part of the reason for this is the Internet and the ability for anyone to trade stocks at a push of a button. Rather than investing in stocks for the long term, some investors have become day traders and trade in and out of stocks very rapidly. Likewise, the Internet has made it very easy and effortless to make trades and you dont even need to talk to a real person like you did in years past. This has led to many more trades being placed and much more volatility in the market.

If you are new to investing and stocks, you might end up scratching your head trying to learn all the terminology. Anyone who watches any of the business shows on TV will hear a lot of technical terms thrown around which will probably be very confusing. You must realize and accept that you will never be able to learn everything overnight.

Your best bet is to get a book on the basics of stock investing and then start to learn the vocabulary and terminology. Know that this will be a long term endeavor but one that will be worth it. If you go about things slowly and keep learning from the ground up, you will soon be in a position where you will understand what is going on in the stock market. You will then start to understand what type of stock investments you are interested in and what types you will want to steer clear from. - 23208

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