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Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Easy Forex Strategy For Beginners That Really Works

By Michael Jones

Are you a relatively new trader looking for a solid forex strategy?

Many newer traders face the challenge of trying to identify the trend on the intra-day level in order to make their Forex strategy work.

This problem can be alleviated by using the 200 EMA - (Exponential Moving Average).

In surveys it was found that Forex traders all around the world vote the 200 EMA as one of their top indicators. So that is reason enough to use it considering the psychological effect it can have once price starts getting within spitting distance of the 200 EMA.

Using The 200 EMA Strategy

Start using this effective Forex strategy by setting up charts on three different time frames:

A 4 hour chart

1 Hour Chart

15 minute

Now plot a 200 EMA indicator on each chart and, as a suggestion, color it red, for easy visual impact.

Some like to tile the 3 chart windows in a vertical style so it is easy to compare them side by side. It can distort the chart a little but for this strategy you don't really need to see the chart in full screen mode.

Now scroll through the various currency pairs you like to trade.

Currency pairs with a smaller pip spread, i.e. less than 10 on most platforms, come to about 9 different pairs.

They are:


Search through and see if price is going against the 200 EMA on the 15 minute chart on any of the currency pairs.

So for example, look at the EUR/USD pair and note the position of price relative to the 200 EMA on the 3 time frames.

Price is what we call 'bucking the trend' if it is well above the 200 EMA on the 4 hour and 1 hour charts but below it on the 15 minute chart.

The overall trend is up, price has temporarily gone against the trend and is currently in a retracement.

You now need to look for a good entry point to get into the market in line with the basic principle of buying the dips in an up trend while selling the rallies in a down trend.

Using the EUR/USD example, you would look out for a distinctive candle that would indicate possible price exhaustion as it bucks the trend on the 15 minute chart. The probability is it would soon resume moving in the direction of the trend.

This is an easy exercise and it can be done once or twice a day, taking just a few minutes.

Look Out For Price Going Against The Trend

As soon as you see price crossing the 200 EMA on the 15 minute chart whereas it is well beyond the 200 EMA in the opposite direction on the 4 and 1 hour charts, FOCUS! Snatch the opportunity to get into the market and make a profit.

See for yourself how effective this simple Forex strategy is. Practice it for a short time and then, once convinced, add it to your Forex trading tool kit. - 23208

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Evocation of Financial Trading

By Rick Amorey

The image of a stock exchange pit has been ingrained in the minds of many. Stock brokers of all shapes and sizes share the trading floor, and almost shout out to place their orders before their peers at dramatic moments. Maybe it was the movies that did it; in any case, this is what most people think of when they imagine the world of the stock exchange in their head.

Even if you squint at the thought of a workplace that shares loud moments like this, you can't deny that it holds a certain gritty. There's just an appeal regarding a place where fortunes are found and lost, sometimes in the same day. It evokes a sense of wonder, and a desire to understand it just enough to try it yourself.

Well, truth be told, the world of stocks is not always as animated as that. Even in the trading pit, such a thing only happens once in a while. Besides, those wanting to start out as investors can do so online, in this day and age. All you need is some capital, and some decent research-making, and you'll be all set.

You'd best be careful, however; making unwise decisions in the finance world can put your money in real peril. Instead, why don't you opt to enlist the aid of an experienced stock broker online? The broker will get a small commission from your purchases, but at least they'll be safer because you were more informed.

If you're going to take the advice of a stock broker, though, then you should first check that person's credentials. Does the company that the broker represents or is convincing you to buy even exist? Is the brokerage firm he or she associated with licensed by the state? You have to be aware of these things; just like the rest of the Internet, many online brokers are not who they claim to be. - 23208

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6 Things To Know About The Economy And Gas Prices

By Terry Stanfield

The economy and gas prices are very closely related to one another. The economic effects on gas prices can make the cost of gasoline rise or fall, depending on the economy. Gasoline supply and prices follow basic rules of economics in that when the supply is low and the demand is high, the prices go up. The price of gasoline as well as the supply can also effect the economy, making it a two way street. If the supply falls short, it can also have an adverse effect on the economy.

Gasoline prices are always fluctuating in accordance with supply and demand. To learn about how the economy effects gas prices, a person has to understand basic economic principles. Everything about the price of gasoline is dictated by the basic concept of supply and demand.

The first thing that someone needs to understand about gas prices is that when there is an increased demand for the product, it can effect the supply. When the supply of gasoline falls short of the demand, the price will jump.

When the economy is in trouble, people will hold off on taking trips and also will curtail going out and using fuel. This causes an increase in the supply of gasoline and causes the prices to drop.

The economy and gas prices are related to the effect that when the economy is doing well and people are using more fuel, the supply of gas goes down and the prices for gasoline start to rise.

Economic effects on gas can also go the other way. If there is a shortage of gas or oil, this can cause the prices of gas to skyrocket because the demand is stagnant while the supply is running low, which can negatively effect the economy.

There have been times in the past when gasoline supply and prices negatively impacted the economy. When the supply ran short, it effected the travel industry and also curtailed spending as people began to use less fuel.

A high supply of gas and low demand usually means a trouble economy. When no one is going out or traveling due to a poor economy, then the demand for gasoline drops, the supply goes up and the prices tend to drop.

The economy and gas prices tend to mirror one another. It is clear to see the economic effects on gas prices in recent times as the demand has dropped sharply, causing prices to plummet. Gasoline supply and prices can be an indication of the economic state of the country. - 23208

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Six Things To Know About How Oil And Natural Gas Are Extracted

By Terry Stanfield

Natural gas and oil drilling is a process in which machines are used to seek out these natural resources in the earth. Both processes are essentially the same when it comes to drilling, but yield different results. Crude oil drilling will produce oil that is used to refine into gasoline as well as petroleum products while natural gas drilling will produce gas harnessed for heating fuel.

Investors who want to make a profit on these natural resources that are an integral part of our lives should learn about the type of investment they are making. Investors should understand the difference between crude oil wells and natural gas before they invest in drilling. They should also understand how these products are extracted and why they are used.

Most oil investing is done with existing sites, although there are some investors who will invest in new drilling. New crude oil drilling or natural gas drilling can yield either gas or oil, or it can turn up as a dry well that does not yield anything.

When crude oil is found, it is extracted for use in petroleum products as well as for use in gasoline. It takes many barrels of crude oil to produce one gallon of refined gasoline.

Natural gas is used for heating homes and is also found in some wells. Some wells will yield both natural gas as well as oil and are considered to be the most valuable. Natural gas and oil drilling often produces crude oil. There is only a small percentage of crude that is used for gasoline as it is also used for making petroleum based products.

Most drilling is financed by investors who will pool together money for a new drilling project to begin. Other investments are made on wells that are already producing oil or natural gas and are usually considered to be solid investments.

Investors who invest in wells that are already established will see a profit based upon supply and demand in the industry. Investors who invest on a new project may see enormous profits if the well yields oil or natural gas.

Whether crude oil drilling or natural gas drilling, investments that turn up natural resources will usually yield a profit for investors. Natural gas and oil drilling takes place in the United States as well as other parts of the world as these resources are used thorough the entire world. Investors can make money if wells produce either of these valuable natural resources. - 23208

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Trade Currencies

By Samo Yanezic

Do you want to learn how to trade currencies? The truth o the matter is that with the economic crisis getting worse and worse and more and more people looking for ways to make money, learning how to trade currencies is looking pretty good. Trading currency is something that has been around for more than hundred years. The market is very liquid, it is conducted over the Internet and you will find that as long as you can follow the market momentum and as long as you know what is going on and where your money is going, you will be jut fine.

When you are thinking about how to trade currencies, you'll discover that you are far from the only person doing it. Some of the people out there who are trading currencies are doing it with something akin to genius, while other people barely know what they are doing.

There are all sorts of people investing in this form of money making, and you'll find that the more information that you can put together, the better. Make sure that you know what information you are going to use and what kind of trading you are looking to doing. What currency pair are you going with, and what can you do when you are looking at a 24 hour market that never sleeps? What tools are going to be the most handy, and which ones are you going to be able to get right away.

Getting a picture of how the major currencies have changed in relative value over time is an important part of learning to trade currencies. You'll want to trade in all of the major currencies - you can only go so far trading the same currency pair every time. While the US dollar is one of the most important players in the world currency markets, the Euro, Yen and Swiss Franc are also currencies which you'll want to make a part of your trading strategies.

Essentially, you need to keep your options open. Make sure that you think about the scope that you are looking to play in and that you think about what your options are going to be when it comes to rapidly expanding or deflating markets.

There's certainly no shortage of instruction and guidance out there targeted towards beginning Forex traders. These are good resources for those looking to get a background on how the market works and learning how to trade currencies to make consistently profitable trades. However, one of the best resources for beginning and experience currency traders alike is the news. You'll want to be up to date on world events and economic news in particular.

A well informed currency trader is a successful currency trader, so keep apprised of the latest political and economic news from all over the world. Cyclical behavior is the norm in economies of all scales - so if you can watch these recurring trends and spot when a currency is on its way up or down in value, you can make some very lucrative trades.

Know the facts before you get started as a currency trader. Know how the currency exchange markets work, the historical trends in currency values and learn how to spot the cycles of world economies and you'll be well prepared to be profitable as a Forex investor. - 23208

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