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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Do You Believe That GM Should Change Its Brand Name To Something Else?

By Jennifer McClelland

There have been quite a lot of companies that have changed their names subsequent to coming under attack and falling into economic failure. Some of the corporations that have done that consist of ValuJet or at the moment known as AirTran, Altria or as you may have some time ago known it, Philip Morris, and Xe, that was one time known as Blackwater. Even electronics manufacturer LG has altered its name from Lucky Goldstar to simply LG and claimed that it stood for Lifes Good and now its performing superbly with its sales of consumer electronics and appliances.

These companies have done well with the name change; it is as if they are shedding what they once were and becoming a another company with a polished, pure image.

Marketing professionals across the country agree that the rebranding of GM could be a good thing. If the goal is to try and put this company on a huge diet and just turn it into a smaller car manufacturing company, Im not positive thered be that much damage in rebranding, said Jean-Pierre Dube, a University of Chicago marketing lecturer. The name isnt in good form, he stated, so they have not much to misplace.

The General Motors make has already grown to be a stained brand, with a reputation of constructing shabby quality cars and now with a gigantic insolvency filing under its belt, not to bring up what everyone thinks about the corporation taking all that national cash to keep from having to file for the vast bailoutwhich they filed in any case.

Of course, at present many GM officials are sticking to what they know and not wanting to re-brand the company. CEO Fritz Henderson said that re-branding wasnt really high on his list of things to do in the company. Which is maybe a good thing to do bearing in mind all the troubles he inherited, but couldnt rebranding be given to the marketing branch? After all, GM even now has one of those and it actually doesnt have the money to be throwing into high-cost television spots right now.

Little bits and pieces of GM have already started to be rebranded; GMAC financial services has changed its name to Ally Bank and General Motors Asset Managemnet is at the present known as Promark Global Advisors.

However, with a business that is as well identified as GM might it work?

I dont think something wrong with trying to perhaps advertise the company another way than before, but an entire new brand could be tricky to pull off for the company. I believe that the best execution of rebranding could come from if it were to rebrand a number of its brands such as Chevy or Cadillac. - 23208

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Deciding Where To Invest

By Owen Jones

There are several different types of investments out there, and there are several factors, which you should use to determine where you should invest your money.

Of course, deciding where you will invest starts with checking out the different types of investment available, determining your risk tolerance, and determining your investment style and your financial aims.

If you were going to buy a new car, for example, you would do quite a bit of research before taking a final decision and a making a purchase. You would never think about purchasing a car that you had not fully looked over and taken for a test drive. Investing your money works in very much the same way.

You would, of course, learn as much about the investment as you could, and you would want to see how past investors have done as well. It's just common sense!

Does researching the stock market and investments take a lot of time? Yes it does, but it is certainly time well spent. There are hundreds of of books and websites on the subject, and you can even take degree level courses on the subject, which is what professional stock brokers do. If you have access to the Internet, you can actually play the stock market with pretend money in order to get a feeling for how it all works.

You can make pretend investments in a pretend portfolio, and see how they do. Do a search with any search engine for 'Stock Market Games' or 'Stock Market Simulations', although almost every online stock broker provides these services. This is a great way to start learning about investing on the stock market.

Other types of investments external to the stock market do not usually have simulators, so you must learn about those types of investments by reading about them.

As a potential investor, you should read thing you possibly can get your hands on about investing, but start at the beginning level of investment books and websites first, otherwise, you will find that you quickly get lost.

Lastly, talk to a financial planner. Tell him your goals and ask them for their suggestions. This is what they do for a living! A good financial planner can easily help you decide where to invest your money, and help you set up a plan to reach all your financial goals. Many planners will even show you about investing along the way, so make sure to pay very close attention to what they are saying to you! - 23208

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Law Of Attraction - Which School To Join

By Barbara Remirez

The Law of Attraction works whether you are aware of its existence or not. This is so because it is not powered by words only, even though they do have an effect, it is powered by your vibrations. This is the unique signal you broadcast out into the universe.

The Law of Attraction is always working. There isn't an off switch with this universal law. And it works whether you are aware of it or not.

If you are fine tuning your signals to let others know what you are looking for, the physical vibrations coming back to you will be very relevant. It is about learning who you are and broadcasting it so that you get exactly what you want.

One of the keys to manifesting what you want with the Law of Attraction is to ignore what you see in front of you and focus instead on what you are creating.

Consider what it takes to become successful in the art of manifesting.

Create your vision board. Paste the pictures of your dream objects on a piece of cardboard. If you are looking for a new job put pictures related to your desired job on it, of the new clothes you will need, or the type of transportation you need to get to that new job. Look at it on a daily basis, contemplate over what it means to you to have the object, see the opportunities before you.

It is like learning a new skill. Mind reprogramming requires reinforcement and repetition.

The Universe holds all the riches we could possibly want. The Law of Attraction is the most effective means through which you may attain wealth and success, even freedom from illness, provided you believe in it absolutely.

To sum it up simply, you attract the images you hold in your mind, unconsciously or consciously. If you believe that good is going to come to you it will. You must be truthful to yourself in what you want and then believe that it will happen.

To learn the missing links of the much talked about Law of Attraction, consider becoming a member in the Global Information Network. - 23208

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The Best Software for Becoming Debt Free

By Sean Payne

If you're in debt, you've probably noticed that those who successfully get out of debt use some kind of debt free software. There's a good reason for this: It works!

A wise man will tell you that "success leaves clues". What this means is that people who have experienced success in getting out of debt have used specific techniques and methods to get out of debt, and that if you do the same things they've some, you'll get out of debt as well.

One of the things that people who get out of debt have usually done is to make a debt payoff plan, and then to work that plan. If you've created a plan to get out of debt, the right software will help you stick to your plan.

My favorite software for getting out of debt is budgeting software. I personally use an Excel spreadsheet called You Need A Budget, and it has done wonders for helping me to get out of debt. I attribute all of my success in paying off my debts to the fact that I use budgeting software.

Among the many other great budgeting software programs, one in particular stands out. Mvelopes Personal is a great web-based budgeting program that allows you to work with your personal budget from almost anywhere in the world. Mvelopes will also automatically pull transactions from your credit card and bank accounts, and puts them into your budget.

One free budgeting system that I've tried out is Mint. It's another web-based budgeting system that won't cost you a cent to use. A great feature of Mint that is great for you is that it searches credit card companies for lower rates than you're already paying. If it finds a good offer, Mint will let you know, potentially saving you hundreds or thousands of dollars in interest. Mint does the same thing in reverse for bank accounts. If it finds a higher-interest account, it lets you know, potentially earning you hundreds of dollars more in interest.

In addition to budgeting software, there are lots of other debt reduction programs that wil help you to stick with your plan for paying off your debts.

Microsoft Money is another program that can help you manage a budget and the rest of your finances. Another program, Intuit Quicken, is similar to Microsoft Money, so the choice of which to use is up to you, since they both do most of the same things. My biggest complaint about Money and Quicken is that they actually do too much. They have so many functions and features that you will likely be distracted from your quest to get out of debt.

My best advice to get out of debt in a hurry is to stay with a dedicated budgeting program. A good budgeting program will help you keep track of your expenses, debts, and income. Don't make the mistake of getting into a complicated program that has way too many features. Even a basic spreadsheet that you make can help you, but I suggest that you use a program that has a reputation for helping people to get out of debt.

Regardless of which software you use to help you get out of debt, start today, and continue to use the same software until you get out of debt. Be consistent in using it, daily or weekly depending on your situation, and your software program will help you to quickly get out of debt. - 23208

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Making It In The Bucket Shops

By Carlyle Paul

That bucket shop had my margin and Henry's, and there may have been a lot of other Sugar shorts in the office; possibly eight or ten thousand shares in all. Suppose they had $20,000 in Sugar margins. That was enough to pay the shop to thimblerig the market on the New York Stock Exchange and wipe us out. In the old days whenever a bucket shop found itself loaded with too many bulls on a certain stock it was a common practice to get some broker to wash down the price of that particular stock far enough to wipe out all the customers that were long of it. This seldom cost the bucket shop more than a couple of points on a few hundred shares, and they made thousands of dollars.

That was what the Cosmopolitan did to get me and Henry Williams and the other Sugar shorts. Their brokers in New York ran up the price to 108. Of course it fell right back, but Henry and a lot of others were wiped out. Whenever there was an unexplained sharp drop which was followed by instant recovery, the newspapers in those days used to call it a bucket-shop drive.

It ran along the whole length of the big room and every imaginable thing was quoted. I mean stocks dealt in on the New York and Boston Stock Exchanges, cotton, wheat, provisions, metals everything that was bought and sold in New York, Chicago, Boston and Liverpool.

He said he would, and I got up and gave him my place by the ticker so he could call out the prices for the boy. I took my seven Sugar tickets out of my pocket and walked over to the counter, to where the clerk was who marked the tickets when you closed your trades.

In the instance I speak of he sent thirty-five men to act as customers. They went to the main office and to the bigger branches. On a certain day at a fixed hour the agents all bought as much of a certain stock as the managers would let them.

They had instructions to sneak out at a certain profit. Of course what he did was to distribute bull tips on that stock among his cronies and then he went in to the floor of the Stock Exchange and bid up the price, helped by the room traders, who thought he was a good sport Being careful to pick out the right stock for that work, there was no trouble in putting up the price three or four points. His agents at the bucket shops cashed in as prearranged.

According to my dope Sugar should have broken 103 by now. The engine wasn't hitting right. I had the feeling that there was a trap in the neighborhood. At all events, the telegraph instrument was now going like mad and I noticed that Tom Burnham, the clerk, had left my tickets unmarked where I laid them, and was listening to the clicking as if he were waiting for something.

He played that game several times all over the country, punishing the bigger bucket shops of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis.

Everybody in the room heard me and began to look toward us and ask what was the trouble, for, you see, while the Cosmopolitan had never laid down, there was no telling, and a run on a bucket shop can start like a run on a bank. If one customer gets suspicious the others follow suit. So Tom looked sulky, but came over and marked my tickets "Closed at 103" and shoved the seven of them over toward me. He sure had a sour face.

In the smaller shops if you wanted to margin your trade still further they'd make out a new ticket, so they could charge you the buying commission and only give you a run of 3/4 of a point on each point's decline, for they figured the selling commission also exactly as if it were a new trade. - 23208

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