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Friday, October 2, 2009

Evolutionary Investing

By Michele Perdue

Our hard wiring through evolution has resulted in a short circuit that makes us more apt to risk losing money if we start worrying about not earning it. The majority of investors are busy worrying about their missed opportunities.

Reflection is important but attention should be focused on the purchases that were mistakes rather than the non-purchases that we regret. Mistakes are costly and the missed opportunities do not affect us but to be there as a reminder that we chose the wrong investments.

A useful analogy might be found in a book (more than a decade old) called Unweaving the Rainbow by Richard Dawkins. This science writer, evolutionary biologist and provocateur talks about strategies that are available to the animals with high metabolisms, such as small birds, that has the need to find food often in order to stay alive. Imagine that the bird is flying around seeking its prey and is surrounded by twigs that may hold some cleverly camouflaged caterpillars. If the bird got close and examined the twig a moment it may be able to distinguish between twig and caterpillar quite readily.

But, this is problematic for the bird as it cannot examine each of the numerous twigs lest it starve while looking for its first meal. It needs to take a faster approach, scan rapidly at a more cursory level even if it means missing out on many caterpillars. Finding the right balance between a deep scan and one that is more cursory but still effective is important. Too cursory will mean that the bird never finds anything and starves; to detailed and the bird may find too few and starve.

This is the same thing we must do as investors. If we waste time on a twig, we?ll never find a caterpillar; and we really can't afford to think about all those missed caterpillars. An optimal investment strategy will be profitable while leaving a number of the good opportunities untouched. Birds don?t fret over their missed caterpillars and neither should you.

Investing is a tricky thing to master. Get some great advice and investment tips from a leading expert and hedge fund manager, Andrew Baxter. - 23208

Investment Research Provides Real Answers

By Lilia Germann

For many years, I have actively participated in the achievement of my financial goals by making sound investment decisions. When I first became an investor, my activity was limited to participation in a 401K program and several CD purchases. I met a financial planner that gave me life-changing advice. My new financial planner let me know that my current investment strategy would not be able to provide for me, financially, when I retired. The financial planner let me know that I would only receive $400 per month, starting at age 65, based on my current investments.

I was shocked and afraid when I heard this news. When I heard this news, I became committed to changing my investment strategy. I started working with an investment brokerage, and they began to provide me with their investment research. I actively perused the investment brokerage's financial newsletters, stock market newsletters, and investing newsletters. Their research didn't provide me with enough information to apply to my investment decisions.

I thought that the investment research lacked forward-thinking. I was dismayed when I realized that their research only paid attention to US economic forces; it did not recognize other elements that could have an effect. Another problem was that their research was posed only at very conservative, long-term investments. Im not a risky investor, but I dont want to miss out on a great investment just because it has a slightly higher level of risk. To me, it felt as though they only recommended those conservative investments because they were afraid to go out on a limb. Only a lack of knowledge would cause the investment brokerage to be that conservative.

I began surfing the web, looking for other alternatives. After days and days of reading other reports and forecasts, I located MyStrategicForecast.com.

Based on facts, My Strategic Forecast offers really valuable investment research. They take many factors into account besides economics when compiling their investment information. A mild storm season was predicted for the Atlantic by meteorologists, as one example. My Strategic Forecasts stock newsletter predicted a slightly lower return for home improvement companies after taking this information into consideration. They also showed that historically, an active season follows a mild one. As a result, I held onto my stock, because I wanted to see what next years hurricane season would bring. They ended up being right.

By using a historical perspective, My Strategic Forecast is able to provide all the necessary information to tell where the market is headed. I was able to use their forecast abilities to gain even more and build up my portfolio. - 23208

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Is Forex Currency Trading Different to Currency Market Trading?

By Phil Jarvie

Many variations on the terms exist, including 4x trading, fx currency trading, forex currency trading, currency market trading, fx exchange and the list goes on and on. The main point is that it is all about buying and selling international currency, and the forex currency market is where the price is constantly being set in real time with each country being paired with another.

Confusion about the long list of names for it comes from the fact that not many people know about it. With the Internet, investors became active and excited for share trading, options trading, warrants trading and even futures trading. However most people/investors have not really (yet) expanded their horizon to include forex currency trading.

With the Internet and very smart and fast software programs, currency market trading was finally liberated from the monopolies held by large banks, brokerage firms and International trading corporations. The Internet brought forex currency trading potential to the masses. But in fact most investors focused only on stock market trading shares, options and warrants.

The irony is that Currency market trading, even though much less well known than the stock market, is massively bigger than the stock market. In fact, the World's forex currency trading turns over more money in 1 week than the entire USA economy does in one whole year.

And it is not just the size of the total currency market trading that takes place that is impressive; it is more that it is so huge that it is beyond the ability of any Government to control it fully. There is no central regulation of currency market trading. Sure the USA Government can make laws for brokers and traders in the USA, but when bad laws are passed people simply trade from an International broker - often just an overseas branch of their existing USA broker.

Forex currency trading is so huge that big business and the criminal element cannot manipulate it as they often and easily do with the stock market. There are no corporate raiders or takeovers in forex, no corporate lawyers leading stock market proxy fights. Currency market trading is simply the constant process of matching one currencies value against another currency in real time.

If a large currency market trading player enters the fx exchange market with billions of dollars, his effect on currency market trading will be short lived (maybe move the price 1 cent over 3 hours) and then his risk is the same as any other forex currency trading player. His billions are then at the same risk of the continuing changes in fx exchange values as the rest of us.

Given that big business and Governments are powerless to control or corrupt the forex currency trading market, what chance does the little guy or gal have? Every chance and the same chance as the large player does, simple as that. The only difference you will find is the points spread that bigger and smaller forex traders pay. I pay 0.9 pips anyway, so I am not concerned about that at all. My main concern is that currency market trading is a level playing field that cannot be rigged - and it cannot. So, that leaves the very smart 4x trading software like metatrader and forex robots we all have available, and the best of proven forex strategies we all have the ability to learn. We all have the power to work to a successful money management plan.

By all means visit my free website where I go into a lot of detail about currency market trading, the many forex robots and expert advisors available, and also what forex strategy can do for your forex currency trading. - 23208

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Online Or Traditional Investing: Some Basic Information Is A Must About Securities

By Michele Perdue

Before we get into different types of securities it is important to know the very basic definition of investment securities. Investment securities are form of certificate or documents that shows that you have invested in a company or a business or a government entity. The two key types of securities are equity securities and debt securities.

Some basic securities types are as follows:

Bond: This follows in the debt security type wherein the issues of the bond pay interest at a predetermined rate. Bonds are issues by companies, public authorities, government and at times credit institutions. The method used for bond issuing is known as underwriting. The issuer keeps paying interest at regular intervals and pays the principal amount at a later date. Some of the different types of bonds are as follows:

Treasury bonds, Bearer and registered bonds, Participation bonds , and Convertible bonds

Derivatives: These are indirect financial instruments that are depended on direct securities such as bonds, equities. They are also known as hedging instruments. Some of the different types are as follows:

Futures Swaps, Index options, Covered and uncovered calls

Equities: These are the most common type of investment securities. They are in the form of stock or shares that gives the ownership in the company. General public has the option of becoming a shareholder in a large company. Some of the different options are as below:

Common stock, Preferred stock Dividends, Book value, Par value, and Depository receipts

Another unusual form of security is the contract to buy and sell commodity such as tea, coffee, wheat irrespective of the change in its quality. This is also one form of security that involves a contract.

If you wish to find out more valuable information about online investing then check out the best site with all of the needed content on online investing today. - 23208

US Dollar (Part I)

By Ahmad Hassam

It is important for the currency traders to have a good grasp of the general economic characteristics of the most commonly traded currencies. US Dollar is the most heavily traded currency in the global economy.

You should know as a trader what moves the currencies particularly the pairs that you are interested in trading. Traders need to also know the difference between the expected and the actual data. Some currencies tend to track commodity prices while others may move in complete contrast.

News or data that is in line with the expectations has less of an impact on currency movements than unexpected news or data. The correlation between the currency markets and news is very important. Therefore short term traders need to closely monitor the expectation of the currency markets.

US GDP is approximately three times the size of Japan, five times the size of Germany and seven times the size of UK. United States is the worlds leading economy. The US economy is now a service oriented economy with almost 80% of GDP coming from real estate, transportation, finance, health care and business services.

United States has the worlds most liquid and deep equity and fixed income markets in the world. The manufacturing sector is still formidable and US Dollar is particularly sensitive to the development within the sector.

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) into the US is equal to almost 40% of the total net inflows for United States. Investors from all over the world purchase US assets due to their liquidity and safety. The import and export volume of US also dwarfs the countries. This maybe due to the sheer size of US as true import and export represent only 12% of the GDP.

United States is running a large CA deficit for more than a decade now. US economy is facing the paradox of the twin deficits. One is the Budget Deficit and the other is the Current Account (CA) deficit.

The large CA deficit makes the US Dollar highly sensitive to changes in the capital flows. US need to attract a few billion dollars of capital inflows daily in order to prevent the decline in the value of US Dollar.

United States is the trading partner of many countries across the globe. US is also the member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). US trade is equal to roughly 20% of the world trade. A weaker US Dollar will help boost US exports whereas a stronger US Dollar makes the US exports expensive and US imports cheap.

Leading import sources for United States are: China, Mexico, Japan, Canada and European Union (EU). Leading export markets for United States are: Japan, European Union (EU), United Kingdom, Canada and Mexico. The growth and political stability in countries that are leading export markets for US are important. For example, Canadas demand for US exports will fall that will have a ripple effect on US growth should Canada growth slow. - 23208

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