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Monday, April 27, 2009

How Seasonality Effects Forex Markets?

By Hass67

Most forex traders analyze and predict the future direction of currencies using fundamental or technical analysis. The craftier among them use the combination of both to predict direction of forex markets.

Fundamental analysis depends on the study of underlying economic factors that affect currency markets. Technical analysis is based on the premise that past price action can be used to make predictions about the future price action in forex markets.

Most of you who have been trading stocks must be familiar with the term: The January Effect. The January Effect is based on an observation that during the last few days of December and the fifth trading day in January stocks tend to perform very well.

There is nothing extraordinary about the January Effect. The effect takes place due to the fact that many investors try to recognize capital gains or losses at the end of the year due to tax reasons. Many corporations also try to window dress their balance sheets at the end of the year.

The interesting fact is that seasonality is not peculiar to the stock markets. Forex markets also tend to show seasonal effects. Seasonality is defined as a pattern that occurs at a particular time of the year.

The January Effect also affects forex markets due to the fact that many investors who are adjusting their stock positions try to convert their local currencies into dollars at that time.

However, dollar may show stronger January Effect with some currencies as compared to others. It has also been studied that dollar shows a summer seasonality when it tends to rise in USD/JPY and USD/CAD in the month of July and give back its gains in the month of August.

There are many other seasonal patterns in currency pairs. However, it does not mean that you should believe in these effects blindly. Just keep them in your mind when trading.

Seasonality in currency pairs only means that there is a strong probability that during a particular time of the year, the chances of a particular currency pair going up or down are high.

Forex traders should keep these seasonal patterns at the back of their minds while trading during that period. - 23208

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How to Buy Stocks

By Cassie H. Todd

Are you interested in buying and selling stocks to make more money? Do you have any extra money lying around that you could invest in stocks? You need to have money to buy stocks before you can do anything else.

If you are short on cash and have no money to invest, you need to stat saving. Come up with a certain amount each month that you can save and put towards your investments. For example, you could save $200 a month and put it towards investing in stocks.

There needs to be some preparation before you buy any stocks. Don't buy anything if you don't know what you are doing yet. You need to learn how to research companies and you need to do the research first.

Before you get anywhere, learn how to do research. Read annual reports and financial statements and find out what exactly you need to know about them. Don't worry, you don't learn this stuff in high school. Do your research.

It's pretty easy to actually buy stocks. You don't have to worry about finding someone who will sell the stock you want to you. There are people out there that will do this for you. It is their job.

Start by setting up an account with a brokerage firm. For those with large amounts of money to invest and who want lots of help with their investments, you should get an account with a firm that specializes in giving a lot of help and that will meet with you in person.

If you are looking to save money and want to handle it all yourself, you can go with an online brokerage firm. Online brokerage firms specialize in offering you discounted commission rates which mean you can earn even more money.

Learn what you need to learn, do your research, and have your account set up. Then, when you know what you want to buy, don't wait, just buy it! Don't wait because you could be forfeiting gains. - 23208

About the Author:

Live Forex Training

By Jon Beckyn

The Forex market is a remarkable multi-trillion dollar global market that stays open nearly all the time. If you have a good Forex education, you can make a lot of money while taking advantage of such a prosperous opportunity.

The Forex (FX) market is the global currency exchange. This is where traders buy and sell different nations' currencies. These traders attempt to make money by exploiting the difference between different currencies' values as compared to each other in the global marketplace and by how their nations' credit rating affects their value. This can get very complicated and, as a result, the FX market is extremely volatile. But that is where the opportunity to amass great wealth comes from--the volatility.

The Forex market can at times be multifaceted and complex, which causes the FX market to be very volatile. It is the volatility of the market, which presents such a wonderful opportunity to accumulate great wealth.

Since volatility of the Forex is anticipated, even the most experienced of traders do not risk more that a small amount of their total bankroll at any one time. Those FX traders with 5% of their holdings in this market are playing riskily. Traders can make a fortune in the Forex by finding a trading system that works for them and then repeatedly using anywhere from 2, 3, 4, or 5% of their account, until it all adds up.

Many traders trade right from their homes using the Internet and a specialized trading platform (suite of software), which came into being during the late 1990s. In fact, more and more traders are using EAs, or "Expert Advisors", to help them make trading decisions and actually place orders and stop losses. These EAs are actually artificial intelligence "robots" built into the FX trading platforms. They are pre-programmed by their human owners to look for optimal trades in accordance with what the human trader believes to be the best system for making money and minimizing losses in Forex.

The Forex market was made possible when the U.S. abandoned the 1944 Bretton Woods agreements in 1971. Other currencies quickly followed suit. This meant that the U.S. was no longer agreeing to peg the value of the Dollar to gold--known as the "gold standard". Instead, the Dollar was now "floated"--its value was allowed to fluctuate based on marketplace forces and the Federal Reserve's activities (frankly, the majority of the world's major currencies, including the Dollar, have their relative values set much more by their nations' central banks than by true free market floating). So, those with a Forex education take advantage of fluctuations in exchange rates in order to make money for themselves.

In the early 70s, the United States decided to do away with measuring the value of the dollar with that of gold or the gold standard. They abandoned the 1944 Bretton Woods agreements that year. Soon all global currencies changed. The value of the dollar fluctuates in value depending on the forces in the marketplace as well as the activities of the Federal Reserve. There is a relative set value of world currencies given by the central banks of that nation rather than just free market floating. Anyone with a Forex education can take full advantage of the exchange rates fluctuations in order to generate cash.

So, if you get yourself a Forex education, you can get in on the ground floor of a fantastic wealth-building opportunity. - 23208

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Your Profits Depend On Your Forex Strategy!

By Michael Allison

Ask any trader of Forex currency. They will tell you the secret to their success. It is most assuredly different for everyone. Each person has their inside tip and strategy that will work for them. Each one can be viable and can be used effectively, but it really depends on the trading style of the trader.

One thing you can do is a Forex managed account. This will let people do the dirty work for you. You simply deposit your money into the account and a professional with make the bids for you. Since it is your money, you can withdrawal it at any time.

You can buy or rent some books and do the trades manually. This is how the big money makers do it. These guys are great about spotting trends in the market. They research the information from books and magazines they subscribe too. You can get book information from a lot of online retailers.

There is the Automated Fores Robot. this is an automated system that will do all the bidding for you. They can scan the market constantly and even make you money while you sleep. You need to leave the bot on 24 hours a day, but some services offer to run them on their servers so you can turn off your computer.

You can sign up or go to message boards and chat rooms to talk to other traders like you; they will be discussing strategies and tips from people who have played the market for years. Some people might just be talking big in these places so it's best if you research their tips before spending your money.

In conclusion, there are enough resources to help you plan your next Forex trading tip. Just use a little elbow grease and perseverance to find out your personal strategy. Remember the trader's golden rule. Buy low and sell high! - 23208

About the Author:

Purchase Forex Software that Works

By John Eather

Do you have an intention to undertake online trading forex? If your answer is "Yes", then you had better be sure that you if you expect to have any actual opportunity of doing substantial success, you'll require some type of software. Forex traders who have continued to pull in earnings regularly from their forex trading, all have been able to do this by employing some system or software to assist.

The important thing is that If you're searching for a way to start active involvement in forex trading then you're definitely not going to have a chance of succeeding until you narrow done what kind of assistance you'll use.

With reference to my trading experience, I've come across the 3 major components which are entirely essential if you're properly sworn to developing riches thru online forex trading. This threesome are the following; utilising historically affirmed trading signals that are uniform and exact.

A genuinely effectual trading signal has to show historically verified results. Trading with a method that doesn't have consistent results that have been verified over long time periods, then you're merely risking the complete loss of all your money.

Furthermore, you should utilise a trading plan which bears uniform profitable signals. There are numerous systems on the market that don't issue very many trading signals. It has to be said that this is simply not advantageous if you're really serious about forex trading online since it's essential tot be trading a great deal if you would like to have any opportunity of raking in worthwhile profits.

If you're making trades on a regular basis then the probability of to having regular wins is greatly increased. Ultimately, trading signals want to be reliable since there's no advantage in having a forex trading system that can't return consistently rock-steady signals.

75 percent of trades should be reliable. Three quarters of your trades had better be successes or you'd better eliminate the system as soon as possible. There are some forex traders who choose more than a 60 percent ratio, however I'm even more demanding than them.

If you're attempting to find a forex trading system that holds fast to the above measures then there's a link below to a related website. You'll be able to see some of the high-grade forex software accessible in the marketplace today. I'd like to extend my best wishes to you in your online forex trading. - 23208

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