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Monday, January 4, 2010

Traits Of Successful Forex Traders

By Jimmy Villaruel

Why does one Forex trader fail while another has success? What is it that sets the Forex winners apart from the Forex losers? Believe it or not, there are many qualities that successful Forex traders share. In the same way, there are qualities that losers share too. For example, people who fail at Forex tend to make trades based upon emotion rather than logic. They also hold onto losses because they are afraid to admit they made a wrong trade. Successful traders avoid those mistakes but they also have qualities that help them succeed. They take positive actions regularly that evolve into habits that turn them into successes. When you learn and apply these characteristics, you have a greater chance of being successful too.

To start, successful Forex traders are goal oriented. Most people perform at their best when they`re reaching for a clear goal. There are three basic qualities that make up a clear goal. First, the goal must be realistic. If your goal is to double your money every day, it sounds great, but it`s not realistic. Setting unrealistic goals can undermine your self confidence, you will be setting yourself up to fail. Secondly, the goal must be attainable. Just as with a realistic goal, an attainable goal must be within your current capabilities. The best goals are short term goals; make your first goal a small one, and then continue to increase your goals as you experience success.

The third aspect of a good goal is measurability. If your goal is not specific and cannot be measured, it really isn't a true goal. If your only goal is to be wealthy it is too unfocused. Define your idea of wealth in specific numbers. As your wealth grows, so will the numbers that represent your idea of wealth. If you cannot define your goal and cannot measure it, then you have no way to determine how close you are to achieving it. It makes it impossible to change your strategies to help you meet your goals. Learn how to set goals like successful Forex traders who set highly specific goals and then go after them with confidence. Confidence is important to keeping you rational and disciplined when it comes to investment trading. When you start with small achievable goals, it helps you build much needed confidence.

Successful forex traders rely on logic and skill to guide them when making trading decisions. They study the market and learn all they can about trading so when the time comes to place a trade, they back it with knowledge and intelligent choices. They don't fret over missing out on the next big thing to come along. Instead they focus on making one solid trade after the other. Many people who try Forex trading make the mistake of letting their emotions take over. They make trades because they can't pass up a trade that they have a hunch on. When you make trades based upon hunches or hopes, you are gambling and not trading. Even so, most investors are familiar with that rush they get when they make a trade based solely on a hunch and feel lucky they got in on a sure thing. Such trades are rarely a sure thing and successful Forex traders do not get drawn in to such thinking. They stay logical and disciplined when it comes to trading.

While these Forex traders know their market, it`s simply not possible to understand and stay in touch with everything that occurs in all the types of investment vehicles and markets across the world. While some Forex traders have developed systems that allow them to trade in multiple venues, for instance, in different stock markets around the world, most Forex traders specialize in a particular type of investment, and in a particular market. If you enjoy trading in commodities futures, that enjoyment will help you to focus and stay in touch with events in the commodities futures market.

If you aren`t interested in currency trading, don`t trade in it. Your lack of knowledge and motivation will cause you to lose focus and make mistakes. Successful Forex traders tend to specialize; they pick an area to study and they follow it closely, learning from past trends and patterns, and from their own trades. If you`re a beginning trader, I recommend focusing on one investment vehicle and it`s market. Learn all you can, about the market and about yourself, before you move into other investment types.

It doesn't really matter if you are a beginner to Forex or if you are a seasoned pro, you can achieve success. You don't need a large bankroll or years of experience to be a successful Forex trader. However, you do need focus and discipline. You have to stay rational or you will lose money no matter what level of experience you have. All successful Forex traders were beginners at one time. They became successful because they didn't take risks they could not afford and they learned from their mistakes. While experienced traders develop their own styles and systems over time, there is no Forex trading secret other than this - staying focused, disciplined, and logical when making trades leads to success. - 23208

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High Yield Investment Programs all you need to know about them

By Nick Pearson

High yield investment programs are great for investors who want to make a fast buck, but anyone entering this area of investing has to understand that the higher the return the higher the risk, so learn as much as you can first.

This is the most frequent reasons why people lose money in this type of investing, they don't diversify!

There is only one reason for High Yield Investment Program investing, to make money and make it quickly. In order to do this a careful strategy has to be plotted and adhered to. High yields are a fast track to riches, they are meaningful in terms of profit, but be careful, they can also be a fast track to poverty if the investor does not play his cards right.

It has been estimated by the United States Treasury Dept. That as much as $10 billion is lost annually by high yield investors - in reality the cost is actually much higher and could be multiples of this amount. To make sure you are not one of the losers it is important to be able to recognize a real investment opportunity from a scam. At least one third of all high yield investments may at one time or another be exposed to defaults, the collapse of underlying securities or other problems.

It is for this reason that it is so important to understand and learn as much as possible about his method of investing. By its very nature investment strategies are designed to tap the most volatile economic opportunity windows. High yield = high risk! It is essential to understand that money cannot be left in these opportunities in the long term as this is contrary to the character of high yield, so hence the need for continual diversification.

The law of averages will quickly catch up with the investor looking for high yields, and not diversifying. These investments are the in and out variety in order to make the best money while they are performing well. Anyone can learn to do this; it is just a case of acquiring the correct knowledge. - 23208

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Rules Of Thumb For Building A Custom House

By Gavin J. King

Find Your Property

Finding the land you are going to build your home on can be one monumental step. Not only will you need to find out if the parcel is eligible for a building permit, any applicable taxes and what the parcel is zoned for, but you will also have to get it for a price that fits your budget.


Investors really make the best source of construction loans due to their flexibility but banks and credit unions will do just fine. Plan to put fixtures and upgrades in your home that fit your budget and your personality. You need to have house plans drawn up to estimate the price of the final product. Your lender will need the drawings to approve any loans.

Architects Are Vital

From California to New York to Arkansas, home plans include foundation, framing, siding, plumbing and electrical details, and can range from as little as $600, to as much as several thousand. It is always best to screen at least three applicants before you hire any professional and architects are no different. Then take these plans and prices to your lender, and see what they will offer you in terms of financing.

Don't Be Too Rigid

Don't be surprised by some necessary changes in your plans. Factors that may effect the rate at which your home is constructed can range from weather to labor disputes so be pro-active if they pop up. It will take you a long time to complete the project so don't be impatient or pushy with your subs.

Having your own home built can be an exhausting, yet very rewarding endeavor. As with so many other things in life, you just have to keep pushing and step by step you will reach your goal and complete building your dream home. Not reaching your goal to complete your home construction will potentially cost you everything you have, so failure is not an option.

Of course, this is just a general outline. Plan on using all of your time, in one way or another, to teach yourself as much as you can about construction in general, and you will be far ahead of your competition. - 23208

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A Beginners Look At ETF Trend Trading

By Patrick Deaton

If you've just entered ETF trading you are going to hear a lot about different types of trading, methods, and strategies. One of the popular discussions will include ETF Trend Trading. Some people talk about trend trading as though it is a separate kind of trading that isn't related to ETF trading as a whole. Some sites will talk about ETF trend trading as a way to increase one's gains in trading.

If you have started trading and are doing the analytical work to spot trends and patterns, and are acting on those trends, you are already trend trading. It is not a secret strategy or way to conduct trades. A successful trader does their homework and acts on the trends that they see coming in the sector, or industry they are trading within. So, let's take a look at trends and how you can use them more effectively.

The technical definition of ETF Trend Trading is to do an analysis of a sector, get in when the trend starts to move and get out when it reverses. If you've been following the instructions of your training, you are already trend trading. The people who do a technical analysis of a sector that covers a three to five year period are getting only a snapshot of the trends and patterns within a sector and will have less success with proactively capturing gains when there is a trend.

If a person enjoys doing analytical studies on sectors. Yes, some people do. It is easy to get bogged down in the analytics and indicators of sectors. To avoid this, it is good to set parameters for the amount of study and research one will do before taking advantage of some of the more obvious trends that are evident in a sector.

Short term trends are usually historical data for a sector covering one to three years. A technical analysis using historical data of one to three years is going to show only trends that occur in that time frame. When a person is going to use short term trends as their primary indicator, they will need to move very quickly in creating a long position when the trend rising or short when the trend is dropping and get out quickly when there is a blip on the screen. Employing only short term trending may prevent a person from seeing trends that occur within a longer time period.

Long term trends cover a sector for a ten to thirty year period. Within that chart will be intermediate term trends that occur on a regular basis. Some sectors, especially financial products have more long term and intermediate trends than short-term trends in the market. By identifying the intermediate trends and using them in combination with short term trends a person has opened a whole new level of opportunities for making strategic trades and gains in their trading efforts.

When traders act on trends without having the background to know when to get in and when to get out, they can suffer losses. However, a person can use an intermediate trend in a sector to their advantage if they know that the same patter occurs every four years and what the buy and sell limits for that trend should be.

When a person has a long term ETF, they are most interested in long-term trends. A sector that is in a rising trend for ten years, then reverses course rapidly can catch a person unaware if they have not done the technical analysis to prepare for that reverse. - 23208

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Tips For Beginners: ETF Trend Trading

By Patrick Deaton

Learning about ETF trend trading and whether or not it will be difficult will depend on how you learned to start trading. There are many types, strategies, methods, and ideas for effective trading of ETFs. When a person has done the research necessary to have success in ETF trading, they have probably already learned about ETF trend trading, but don't realize it.

When doing an accurate technical analysis a person will need an analytical tool. There are many available that will give the detailed information that will help to identify trends and patterns in a sector. The programs usually are broken into short term, intermediate, and long term trends within a sector. Some of the programs offer other charts and graphs that provide information on the trends that are occurring within trends.

A trend trader does not just rely on the analytical tools that are available. They also do the historical research necessary on the sector to find the trading volume, moving average, and other technical trends that will help to identify trends within the trends. In many cases, a disruption in a trend may be the result of a significant event within the sector.

When a significant event occurs in a major company within a sector, it may disrupt a trend. It is important to have the historical data that shows when anomalies in trending occur and see if a pattern exists for those disruptions. In some cases these anomalies occur at a regular interval for the sector and can create an advantage to the trader.

The basic premise of ETF trend trading is to get in when stock is taking on in a direction, either up or down, and stay on the ride until it reverses. By taking a long position when it is rising and a short position when it is losing, a person can move when the trend reverses, or when they think it is going to reverse.

A person who is involved with their trades and has analyzed and studied the indicators in their sector will have a better ability to be effective in ETF trend trading. There are some sectors that trend trading is very effective with and other sections that do not have the indicators that make trend trading an effective method on a consistent basis.

Setting buy and sell limits will act as a safety net, should a trend begin to reverse too soon. When a person gets involved with a sector through analytical and historical analysis, they sometimes get too involved. It is important to have a limit and stick with it when trend trading.

Learning about systems, strategies, methods, and types of trading, including ETF trend trading will give a person a broad pool of information to pull from when there is an opportunity presented in ETF trading. By knowing about the different aspects of ETF trading a person is more prepared to system systems, trading strategies, or sectors when needed. - 23208

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