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Monday, November 30, 2009

Investor Visas For The USA

By Sam McDougall Turner

When considering long term entry to the United States it is important to look at the many options in which you can gain entry. One of the better ways to go about this would be to apply for the US investor visa.

A US investor visa is one of the quickest ways to get a visa and is given to those who want to invest within the United States. When applying for a visa there are going to be regulations are rules you must abide by and applying for the investor visa happens to be the easiest.

A million dollars is the minimum amount that is needed to be invested in the enterprise you are looking to begin in the USA. The enterprise needs to also have 10 people at least working for it; these people can either be citizens of the USA or can have an approved residential permit. You have to be careful when applying as it can often be different in different countries as each country has a specific employment creation area and the amount needed can be different too, for example some areas only need to have five hundred thousand dollars invested.

There are many ways in which one can apply for a US investor visa. You can:

Invest in a new commercial enterprise

Purchase or restructure an existing business in the region

Expanding an existing business

Buy out a sick unit and look to make it profitable once more.

The money that is invest does not need to be in fact money it can be in the form of machinery or property or any other forms of capital that can be considered the same as money.

The best part about an investor visa is that the continuity of stay becomes quite easy. The initial stay period will be granted for two years, and at the end of the term, the business will be re-evaluated again. If there is no unlawful activity found or if the application criteria set in place during the issue of the visa is found correct, a permanent residence will be granted. The US investor visa is also among the best ways to bring in the family into the country. While members of the family don't count towards the 10 employee rule, the granting of visas to the immediate family is not difficult. If you are serious about getting an investor visa for the country, just think of a good commercial enterprise and pack your bags! - 23208

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Energy Futures (Part I)

By Ahmad Hassam

One thing should be clear to you. Energy markets will be a major focal point in the global financial makers and the global economy for many years to come. The key to understanding energy trading is to understand oil, natural gas, gasoline and heating oil futures.

NYMEX trades futures and options contracts for crude oil, natural gas, heating oil, gasoline, coal, electricity and propane. NYMEX is also home to trading in metals. Trading in energy futures is centralized at the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the world's largest physical commodity futures exchange.

For smaller traders NYMEX offers e-mini contracts for oil and natural gas that also trades on the GLOBEX network of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Trading in NYMEX is conducted in two divisions: 1) The NYMEX Division and 2) The COMEX Division.

Sometimes the rise in oil prices leads to the increase in interest rates through the bond market and the actions of central banks and the other times the opposite happens. Rise in oil prices if often inflationary. As a trader, you should know this fact that oil price rise often tends to slow down the economy and lower retail sales as well as consumer confidence with lower traffic on the highways.

High oil prices are considered to be inflationary and tend to slow down the economy. Low oil prices are always considered good for the economy. As a trader, you should know this fact that oil price rise often tends to slow down the economy and lower retail sales as well as consumer confidence with lower traffic on the highways. Sometimes the rise in oil prices leads to the increase in interest rates through the bond market and the actions of central banks and the other times the opposite happens. Rise in oil prices if often inflationary. Now all these effects have a time lag factor built in them. If the crude oil prices increase or jump suddenly like that in'73, it takes time for the increased oil prices to start affecting the other factors in the economy.

No new major discovery of an oil well has been made in the past two decades. This means that the supply of oil is dwindling while the global demand for oil is on the rise. Now you need to understand the Peak Oil Concept. Peak oil is the concept that the world oil production has peaked and the production of oil will never be as high again. Oil prices and the interest rates generally move in the same direction when viewed over long periods of time.

In any case, most of the experts now agree that in the next 10-20 years, the oil production will peak and after that it will start declining. Now you should keep these facts in the background of your mind as a trader.

1) The world runs on oil and any threat to the supply of oil often leads to rising prices. 2) Demand fluctuates but supply of oil is finite. As an oil trader your primary goal is to consider the effects of events on the supply of oil and correlate this effect with your charts. - 23208

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Property Investment - Apartments

By Jeff Royle

Renting out houses as investments make pretty good financial sense over the long term (house prices tend to double in price every 8 to 10 years) but what about Apartments?

Initially, you have to ask yourself, what am I investing for? Is it long term capital growth or short term income from rentals? Usually, older individuals invest for short term income rather than long term for obvious reasons!

Apartments generally do not make good capital growth investments as historical property prices have in fact reflected the price of land and as an Apartment owner, this land price is not reflected in the value of the unit itself. Developers are using all sorts of tactics to sell apartments at present such as 'rent guarantees'. It is worth thinking about what happens after the rent guarantee runs out and if the figures don't add up then, they most likely won't add up now. Also will the developer offering the guarantee be around to follow through on it? Most Real Estate agents know that these guarantees are a marketing trick and tend to reflect the flaw in the Apartment market as a whole. (Why offer something when you don't need to?)

Also, think about the mortgage financing for Apartments, it is tricky with most Banks not going over 60 or 65%. This might be OK for you, but think about your potential buyer a few years down the track?

Aside from not owning the property, another factor is the potential for oversupply. Developers can effortlessly put up a block of new Apartments, quickly and therefore further diluting the potential market. The old rule of supply and demand kicks in and as an individual you have very little control.

The fact above together with high Body Corp fee's and maintenance issues means Apartment buyers need to carefully consider before making the move. In terms of rental return, around 7% warrants a house purchase but near 10% is required for Apartments - 23208

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Why Forex Traders Should Have A Forex Trading Course

By Bart Icles

Forex trading is one of the online business activities that people resort to nowadays. It is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling another one at the same time. Although it sounds simple, this currency exchange has a bit of complicated machinery. You need to be knowledgeable of the trading system, including the trading jargon that people use. Before you enter forex trading, you have to get the know-how of its system. People enroll to forex trading courses, or they just go online to get free modules or learn about it by doing research.

Forex trading is the part of the largest financial market in the world. Venturing into this requires effort to undergo a forex trading course that can give you an educated view in making decisions when trading. You have to be cautious of different entities enticing people to their forex trading courses for a one-time registration free. If you dedicate enough time to do some research, there are a lot of resources online that offers the same amount of knowledge for free.

The volume of trade provides opportunity for a lot of traders to make money in a short amount of time. However, this type of trading also poses a huge amount of risk, as huge as the profit it offers. Some people were successful enough to make a lot of money almost overnight, but the considering the market does not always go the way people would want them to be, you can also lose a lot of money in the same amount of time. The key is making an educated decision of when to start trading and when to stop it and move on to the next.

In a forex trading course, you will learn how to analyze market trends, chart the movements, and get a feel when is the right time to buy a currency and to sell it. There are also a lot of trading platforms to choose from, so with proper knowledge, you can find the right one for your needs.

There are a lot of types of forex trading courses all over the internet. You can find crash courses, part time courses and even full time online courses. You might be surprised to find those offering courses in a classroom environment with an instructor. In the world's largest financial market, educating yourself properly is the best course of action before you make any plans. Forex trading courses are vital to your success as a forex trader because it molds your skills and judgment in making the right forex trading decisions. - 23208

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This Is A Bull Market For Gold

By Michael Swanson

You may or may not have noticed that the gold price is rising and gold stock picks are going nuts. The amount of people who are going for investments in gold is increasing by the day, and this is what I wish to tell you about today so that you too can have in on the action.

There are many reasons that have meant that the price of gold has gone up, and you may have seen that due to this there are a lot more adverts on television, on the radio and in the newspapers advertising money in return for your old unwanted jewelry items.

With the economic crisis that has been so widely reported over the globe, Obama has given support to those who need it in order to ease the effects this has caused on the Country. This has meant that the dollar is worth less now than it once was. People are now looking for another venture that they can invest in so that they are able to make a profit and gold the most popular choice.

The Diwalli festival will be soon upon those who celebrate and many of the gifts that are given are gold, this means that more people will want to purchase it fro family, friends and for themselves, which means that the price of gold has risen in order for people to make a healthy profit.

One thing that is definite is that when the price of gold rises you can see that people somewhere are suffering some kind of hardship. This means that people have to look for other ways to make their money, and invest it in so that they are able to make even more. It is a fact of life that wealth is always balanced and that if one person or group of people are lacking in money, someone else is gaining, and of course everyone wants to be profiting so are therefore choosing a venture that allows them to do so.

You can now see the benefit to investing in something that has had high standing in many cultures for so many years, and continues to be such a precious metal no matter the financial problems in the world. - 23208

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