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Monday, November 23, 2009

Making A Living By Day Trading

By Terry Connor

The lure of day trading is pretty hard to ignore with the prospect of earning a living well into the six figures. For a day trader to be successful there are a number of factors that come into play with the major two being knowing when to buy and knowing when to sell. Through out this article we will look at a scenario starring Marty Forex and see how he makes a living by day trading

At the start of the work day Marty Forex decides to purchase a 100 shares of Forex-Trading Inc for by watching the trends Marty feels confident that this particular stock is on the rise. Turns out Marty is right as Forex-Trading Inc jumps up a full point before it is even lunch time. Marty decides to sell off his stocks in Forex-Trading before the end of the day and by doing so Marty is successful and makes a profit.

Lets say that Marty Forex made a $100 for the before mentioned trade (I am using this amount for simplification reasons) chances are Marty would us half of it to cover capital and half to put forward to future investments. Of course, no one in the day trading game is doing any investing with $50; again, this figure is simply for illustration. If Marty makes five similar trades for the business days, with the same results, he will have made $500 of profit. Keeping with that trend, trading five days a week would net Marty $2500 of profit per week. (Commissions, overhead costs and other business expenses, realistically bringing the amount down to $2000 or less would reduce this figure.) This is still a nice bit of profit, considering that this is only one stock's trade performance. Marty Forex probably handles quite a few more trades than that in a typical day's time.

Now unfortunately not every trade is going to result in a profit so lets look at a scenario where Marty Forex handles ten stock trades per day with the same $100 profit. We will say that Marty is successful on 30% of his trades so out of the ten trades Marty makes $300 profit. Same scenario for a typical week will see Marty bringing home around $1500 before expenses kick in. Hopefully with more education on determining what a stock is going to do next Marty can increase his success percentage which increases his profits.

Day trading is like any other profession where as the more education and knowledge that you have the better off you are going to be. In my opinion a person should treat Day trading like brain surgery where one mistake can cost you dearly. With the explosion of the internet age there are a ton of resources and materials out there that will increase the chances of success. - 23208

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5 Great Tips In Choosing The Right Kind Of Forex Education

By Bart Icles

There are tons of companies offering different types of forex education, from the most basic down to the most advanced, and choosing the one or the ones that would really work, not to mention would be worth the money that you would be shelling out, can be a very daunting task if you are really bent on being a good and successful forex trader.

One of the most feared factor of the forex market and trading in it is that there is a very small percentage of traders who succeed in their trading endeavors. Having the right type of forex education, from the most basic up to the most comprehensive, is a very important factor in order to avoid losses and to secure the forex trading success that all forex traders are craving. But since there are different types of forex education out there, to make the task of choosing the right ones not too daunting anymore, a budding forex trader should abide by the following tips:

1. You should not really rely on day trading systems. Most day trade systems sell with the theory of making money on a daily basis and, at the same time, having a very low risk of loss. However, this is simply not the reality. The opposite is.

2. A forex education should give you the leeway to have real time data of any of your forex trading activity to ensure that you are on the right track at all times by being able to make the right calls at the right time. This will greatly reduce losses and can make forex trading one of the most, if not the most, rewarding ventures that you will ever encounter.

3. You should do a research first on the backgrounds of your forex education provider options in order to ensure that you would be in good hands. There are lots of forex brokers who are not successful who are offering forex education that they claim really works. If it did, then they would just really be venturing into forex trading and not on selling what they claim are forex education that works, right?

4. Once you have chosen the forex education that you feel would really work for you, you should understand it as a whole. Not having a clear understanding of it defeats the purpose of choosing to have it in the first place.

5. Keep in mind that the best forex education that you can find is free. Use different types of resources, like your fellow traders, online blogs, etc.

Being forex savvy is very important in order to be successful in any forex trading activity there is. Make your forex education always work to your advantage. - 23208

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Jump Start Your Trading Results with a Trading Coach

By Mark Green

Many people can't wait to get started trading after they have read all the books and got their trading system and equipment all setup. After trading for a while, they may have some wins and some losses and become discouraged. All this hard work just to break even? They may wonder what is missing? They may hear that other traders using similar systems are making great profits. The missing piece to the puzzle is often experience. Traders faced with the same market and using the same system will produce different results based on their experience in the market. One of the best ways to shortcut the learning curve that everyone goes through is to use a trading coach and leverage their experience in the market.

A trading coach can help you no matter what level of experience you have. Even professional traders have trading coaches, as they see the value in having another experienced trader review their trading results and provide objective advice. If you are a beginner, a trading coach will make sure that you get started in the right way and don't develop any bad habits.

You can work with a trading coach one on one in a private session or some coaches offer group sessions. Obviously there are pros and cons of each. Private sessions will be more expensive, but on the other hand you the trading coach will offer you advice specific to your situation and offer suggestions on how to improve on your current trading. Group sessions will be cheaper and although you will get less attention, you may find yourself learning just as much from the other people in the group. Both private and group sessions are done in person, on the phone or on the internet using Skype or another online communication tool.

One trading coach I know offers coaching only after the traders have completed a home study course. The advantage of this is that the trader will go through all of the basic concepts and materials and build up a base level of knowledge. Once they have a good foundation, they can then work with the trading coach on the more advanced topics. In this way the time and money spent is more efficient.

You may have heard of 'trading rooms'. This is another option to learn from a trading coach. In a 'trading room' a trading coach will analyse the market, and provide their opinion of what is going on in the market. They will be able to advise if any trading signals are appearing and you are able to take the trades as the trading coach calls them. An advantage of this style of coaching is that you are able to ask questions in real time of the market conditions and get immediate feedback.

Before signing up with a trading coach, it is important to think about what areas you need improving in. You should have kept records of your past results to be able to show where you have been successful and where the losing trades have been. It could be that you need more help in technical analysis or following a trading strategy. If you are not consistent in your trading maybe your trading plan needs work. Some traders find the emotional side of trading difficult and coaches can help with this too. - 23208

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Invest In Gold During Periods of Inflation

By Garrett Strong

Gold is the go to money in times of inflation and economic crisis. Gold is a hedge against inflation. If you are saying to yourself right now that gold is not money, and that it is just a shiny relic that people wear around their necks, then you are dead wrong.

Gold has been a unit of exchange for nearly 6,000 years. Gold and silver were historically the first relied upon money that agreed with the standards of good money. Aristotle spoke of reliable money to have the following characteristics.

1. The ability to be durable. It must stand the test of time and not wither.

2. The ability to be portable. Good money needs to hold value in a small space.

3. The ability to be divisible. Real money should have the ability to be divided evenly and still hold its value. Also known as fungibility. Diamnonds are not fungible because each diamond has it's own value.

4. It must hold a rare value or quality.

Aristotle was aware of something about money that most people today would struggle to comprehend. Paper money has no value, and that is what Aristotle described in his qualities of money.

Paper has very little value. It can be printed on demand. Paper has no rare or durable features. The value that the dollar has is only held up by our faith in it.

A piece of paper with ink stamped on it is essentially what our dollar bill is. That's all. If someone gave you some a sheet of paper to wash their car, it is the same thing as receiving a paper dollar. Ink is the only thing making a difference. Both are paper.

It would be different if someone gave you something with real value like oil, copper, silver, or gold to mow their lawn. Those are hard assets. It means that someone's blood, sweat, and hard work went into it so you could use it.

Our money becomes more worthless each day our government prints more money. A dollar crisis is happening right now, and most don't know it. Gold and silver were the first real established currencies that stood the test of time. This is because gold cannot be printed at will.

Mining companies must do lots of drilling and surveying before actually bringing a mine online. This takes precious time and resources. Using paper money as currency is a historically recent thing. There have been hundreds of fiat paper currencies in history and all of them have failed.

Gold and silver coins have proven throughout history to hold their value and hedge against inflation. While fiat paper currencies plummet, gold will continue going to the moon.

Gold is in the midst of a 20 year bull market, and there is no near term end in sight. The gold price has recently hit an all time peak of $1,100/ounce. People turn to gold in times of economic crises and inflation. Why? Because gold is a safe haven asset and cannot be inflated. Inflated currency, what is that?

Pretend you are inflating a balloon. The balloon gets so big that it sometimes bursts. Our government is inflating our dollars in much the same way. Our government is putting massive amounts of money into circulation. When you have more and more dollars chasing the same level of goods, you have inflation.

Inflation does not mean higher prices, it simply means printing more money. Higher prices are the result of printing more money. So, get out of dollar related assets now before you lose out big time.

Gold, silver, gold bullion, silver bullion, and mining stocks are the only assets you should be invested in right now. China, India, Arab countries, and others are diversifying out of dollars as we speak, and India's central bank just purchased 200 tons of gold from the IMF. You decide if it's time to get invested in gold and silver.

God bless you. - 23208

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Lessons In ETF Trading For Beginners

By Patrick Deaton

Becoming successful at ETF trading will require some commitment and work in order to develop the knowledge and skills that are required to see a substantial gain on a trade. It is important that a person who is just looking at trading as a viable way to increase their portfolio that they have a basic understanding of how ETF works and what to expect from their trading efforts.

A person will find that there are many classes, courses, and books offered on the Internet regarding ETF and ETF trading. When selecting a course or book, it is important to research the company or individual carefully to make sure that they have experience with ETF and knowledge of the types of strategies that are needed to be a successful trader.

ETF is a growing industry. With almost twice as many ETFs in 2009 as there were in 2008, a person has the opportunity to create diversified and valuable portfolio in a relatively short time. Many of the benefits that one gets from ETF trading are not available through other types of stock trading.

A trader can buy and sell throughout the trading day. This is completely different from the regulation requiring mutual fund trades to occur at the end of the trading day. The advantages to the trader of being able to proactively trade stock through the day make a significant different in the amount of gains they are able to see in their trading activity. This, coupled with the fact that changes occur in the market at fifteen second intervals, makes the ability to trade in this way advantageous.

Tracking an index like the S&P500 or MSCI EAFE makes ETFs very easy to work with. A unique symbol is given to each basket in ETF so that they can be easily identified. ETF values are based on the weighted average or price of the combined stocks and bond of the companies within a basket or sector. This can confuse some people who expect larger gains because they have not included the calculation for all stocks and bonds in their figures.

Stocks and ETFs are very much alike. Traders are able to use limit order, stop-loss orders, bracketed buy orders, etc. In addition, a trader can sell short at any time. This adds to the flexibility of ETF trading and is unlike the regulation disallowing short sales of stocks that are below what their last price was. An ETF trader can short sell immediately when required to take advantage of an opportunity.

Many individuals are learning about the existence of ETFs because they are seeing them as an offering in their mixed portfolios. More large companies are including ETFs in their offerings because long term ETFs offer low risk to the overall portfolio of an investor and steady growth. Many large businesses are buying creation units so that they can diversity the options within their programs even further.

Learning about ETF before one begins ETF trading will be very advantageous. An individual will find that the structure, methods and strategies for trading will be much easier to navigate with a solid foundation of knowledge regarding ETF. Talking with an individual who knows ETF, ETF trading, and the various types, methods, and strategies of ETF will help a person to move through their learning curve more quickly and begin successful trading. - 23208

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